Pencil! Make ads that work. Double your productivity and performance with Generative AI.
Let’s change advertising for the better. Pencil is AI that makes ads. We want to become the default way ads get made – because AI ads are 2x faster and cheaper to make, and 2x better performing, than making them without AI. Making creativity effective and effortless. Picking up a pencil used to be the best way to start coming up with ideas. It used to be the best way to create. Now, the best way to create is with the help of AI – that’s why we built Pencil AI’s platform. Our platform isn’t going to replace human creativity – but it is going to make creatives far better at what they do. You can use Pencil AI to make ads twice as fast, while halving your costs and doubling your ad performance. And you’re never compromising on quality. We’re on a mission to help people get the most out of their creativity, and to make ads that actually work. We think generative AI is the most effortless and effective way to do that.